Monday, October 30, 2006


The Legend Lives on...

Baru beberapa posting yg lalu saya menuliskan betapa Luarbiasanya sosok ini...
Kini beliau sudah dipanggil yang maha kuasa.
Sampai sekarang orang masih susah untuk mencari penandingnya.

Arnold "Red" Auerbach meninggal dunia pada umur 89 tahun.

Beliau melatih Boston Celtics dan membantunya mendapatkan belasan gelar juara. Terbanyak di NBA. Telah melatih begitu banyak pemain hebat, bahkan untuk lebih tepatnya 11 pemain Hall of Fame

Dibawah ini adalah kesan dari orang orang yang dekat dengannya. Dari komentar tersebut kita bisa belajar banyak tentang Red Auerbach, dan juga filosofinya dalam memimpin.

Bill Russel:

"He never made any pretensions about treating players the same. In fact, he treated everybody very differently. Basically, Red treats people as they perceive themselves. What he did best was to create a forum, but one where individuals wouldn't be confined by the system. And he understood the chemistry of a team. People tend to think teamwork is some mysterious force. It isn't. It can, really, be manufactured, and he knew how to do that, to serve each player's needs. And, people always say you need to know how to win. But that's not enough if you want to keep winning. You also have to know why you win. Red always knew that, too."

Larry Bird:

"Red Auerbach was one of the most influential people in my life. Not only was he an inspiration to me throughout my career, he became a close friend, as well. There could only be one Red Auerbach and I'll always be grateful for having the opportunity to experience his genius and his dedication to winning through teamwork."
"Red and I share our passion for the game, our drive to master and our philosophy of whatever it takes to win. It would have been a blast playing for him. Red created a constant level of excellence in the NBA and then showed everybody else how it was done."

Pat Riley:

“Today is a sad day for everybody that knew Red, that competed against him, that enjoyed watching him. He was one of the great, if not the greatest coach, in the history of all of basketball. His record speaks for itself. What he did for the Celtics in the time he was there, not only in winning Championships, but creating this incredible tradition that lives on today, will never be matched. We are going to miss him.”

Isiah Thomas:

"Everyone here at the Knicks organization is saddened at the passing of Red Auerbach. When you think of team play, you have to credit Red for developing and perfecting the concept. The incorporation of team play resulted in the ultimate in our business -- championships.
"More importantly, we all compliment his stance on diversifying the NBA. He was a true pioneer, and everyone associated with our sport owe him gratitude."

Arnold "Red" Auerbach


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